Wednesday, July 29, 2015


I think I'm not supposed to ask UPS Man out.

I keep trying and trying and trying and I just feel like something is preventing me.

Ever since.... I don't even know when, the one day where I suddenly realized I liked him is the day it all started going downhill.

I've been trying for the last 2 months to ask him out. He had asked me out for coffee previously a couple times, and my coworkers always say he's flirting with me. In June, right after I got back from Vancouver is when shit started going down. That day after he gave me candy at the bus stop, I decided I was going to ask him to The Works Festival. And of course, the following 3 days he never came to drop off parcels. 2 weeks went by and other UPS guys started coming in. I'm under the assumption he went on vacation with his kids.
Strike 1.

He finally came back and I saw him once.
The next week I decided, I was going to ask him to go to K-Days. K-Days lasts for 10 days, he normally comes 3 times a week. I've got great chances right?
10 days went by and not only did I not see UPS Man, I never even saw the shadow of a van.
I felt super sad last Friday.
Strike 2.

K-Days is over and a couple of my friends are still telling me to go for it. Ask him to Heritage Days, they said.
Oh I will. Just you see.
So. He came on Monday.
The catch?
I didn't work on Monday. Because I covered for someone on Sunday. 
Today, I saw a jewelry order shipping notice come in and knew that UPS would deliver it today or tomorrow. All day my GM was asking me if the jewelry came in. "I expressed it so it should be here ASAP!!" 
3pm rolls by and I hear the screech and breaks of the UPS van. I actually panicked for a brief couple seconds. 
This is it. What are you gonna say to him? The same shit you've been talking to yourself about every single day? 
Whatever just wing it and see what happens.
I look up and see an untucked uniform. 
It's a different UPS man. 

I wanted to laugh but I wanted to cry even more. I told a bunch of friends and they laughed and thought it was funny. I thought I was going to cry again. 

I keep trying to persuade myself that it's a coincidence, a coincidence. Every new week I say I'll try again. And again. And again. 

I think I need to accept that I'm not meant to ask UPS Man out. 
I think I'll end up hurting again because I already do and I have no idea of the type of person he is.

I really, truly, genuinely wish I didn't turn into such a pathetic person as soon as I like someone. 

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