Sunday, February 27, 2011

so overwhelmed

So. I'm not sure why I like sending you these but, I'm so overwhelmed right now.
I'm tired all the time, and I feel like I have so many things to do but dont have time to do them. I came home today after work and I started to get so frustrated because I started to clean up some clutter around the condo, and I just... everywhere I looked I wanted to cry. My brother makes me so angry sometimes. I've told him, there is food in the fridge heat it up. Does he? No. He'll order pizza and we have pizza boxes/take out piling up on the counter. Grandparents ask him to go over and pick up food/soup. He'll bring it home, but is too lazy to heat it up so it just stockpiles up in the fridge. There are probably 4 pails of soup in there right now. Huge pile of dishes in the sink. I've told him, sort out the junk mail downstairs dont bring it up here. Does he? No. He'll bring everything up here and put it on the shoerack till it piles up. I went through it just now and theres Bank/Insurance/Whatever letters in there for him from January! I sorted out all his letters from the junk mail and pushed them over to him to file or whatever. He got up. Left them on the floor. And went to bed. I just sat on the floor and cried. Its such small stuff, but like, why am I the one that has to do it. Aaaaaaaaall his bottles pile up on the countertop until I sort them and put them in bags, and then the bags will pile up until I tell him 'lets do the bottles'. I just feel like everybody expects so much of me. Grandparents dont bother to ask either of my brothers to.... bring them milk/eggs/take them to the doctors/anything because they are 'too busy'. So they just call me now, because if I dont do it no one will. When my parents come out to visit, my mom always pulls me aside and asks me 'is it a bother when we come out to see you guys? we miss you lots but it seems we are in your way everytime we visit?' And it breaks my heart everytime, But she never tells my brothers so I'm the only one who feels guilt ontop of guilt. I can tell my brothers everything, but at the same time I cant tell them anything because..... I dont think it really matters. Last week, I tried telling them about how upset I was with Michael. How, he's been calling me non-stop and his mom and how I'm trying to cut them outta my life. And I was saying how it was so hard because I've never had to do that before. And he just kept saying 'have you tried telling him? have you tried telling him? have you tried telling him?' I just couldn't explain enough how I've been trying to tell him for the past 6 months that hes been bothering me. And I tried to explain how Michael would always guilt me into feeling bad. I tried to tell my brothers how he told me the doctors put him on anti-depressants and sleeping pills and stuff and how.... I didn't know whether or not he was lying and whether or not I should be worried or angry or whatever, but... I got half the sentence out and then my brother stood up and turned to my grandparents and started asking them if wanted more tea like he wasn't even listening. And in the end I just didn't tell anybody.
Did I mention I'm worried I'm not going to get my dresses done in time for the competition this Friday? Did I mention I'm worried my fabric isn't going to come in in time? Did I mention all I really really want is to just tell someone all these things, but am scared to?.......

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