Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fantasizing about kisses

Hahaha yup, I was reading an article on google and just thought about how long its been...... :(

I'm not to sure what to write about in here today....... Just feel like its been a really long time. I didn't tell this story to anybody because I thought it was just me being a schoolgirl, so I'm just gonna put it on here. On monday Michael called me and I was kinda upset about what happened on CNY and his msg to me about drinking by himself again yadda yadda yadda. I didn't want to talk to him so I didn't answer his call. He calls again on Tuesday a few times. I was kinda getting annoyed. Aaaaaand of course the first thing that happens is I think to ask super crush what he thinks. I go online and hes online. Then I get the doubts and logoff quickly before I do something stupid. maybe like 45 minutes pass and Michael calls me again! I dont pick up and I say to myself *If Brendan is online I will ask him, if he is not, then so be it I'll call it quits* Obviously I go online, and hes not online. Ha-ha. Figures. So I sigh and say 'its a sign'........ Two minutes later I get a text msg from him....... yup. hhahah it really is a sign!!! Hahahaha yeah i know i know, I'm such a loser. Anyways he was just asking everyone for wings, and then I ask him about his exes and if hes ever had problems with them..... Long story short he eventually calls me and we talk for a bit and he tells me I really need to stop talking to Michael and his mom as they are causing more grief for me and I'm already emo enough. (yup, he said I was emo !) Hahaha.... :(

And THEN, I think that I'm turning into someones super crush...... no joke. I've been talking to Dave a lot lately and I *think* he is having a crush on me..... but I could be wrong. I've been going out to some clubs with him lately. sometimes I worry I'm leading the guy on but I dont know what I'm doing I swear!! I dont think I'm attracted to him, but I like that hes really funny. I actually like that all Brendan and Dave's friends are funny. But I gotta be careful about unintentionally hitting on him...... as I think I might be doing...... Le Sigh, why can't it be the other way around :( :( :(

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