Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Edmonton Spring Classic Aftermath.

Hi Yo!
Does anybody like this dress?! I'm so proud of it. Hahaha. It won me 3rd place at the EDM Spring Classic. I almost cried I wasn't expecting it at all.
Aaaaanyways, a little explaination..... This pale pink strapless dress is the first dress from Parasol's Spring 2011 Collection. I was really inspired by the lace trim (which I picked up from New York). My designs are usually really flirty and girly and I felt this design embodied it really well. However, what I'm MOST proud about is....... this is the first garment where I silkscreened an image onto. I suppose you can't *really* see it, but its a hand drawn feather silkscreened onto the bottom right hand corner of the dress. I was SO happy how it turned out. Another thing I'm pretty happy about is how well the night turned out. Not gonna lie I was PRETTY nervous having to do interviews AND mingle with the crowd. Speaking is NOT my forte..... But, I musta did pretty well because I got 3rd place!! I'm also extra proud because I know 1st and 2nd place had a lot of friends there to vote for them....I suppose I did too, but I mingled really really REALLY well with complete strangers so I'm positive I got a lot of votes from unbiased people which makes me smile :) Sooooo happy. Hahahah, the only downside (if really even) is that after they told me I placed 3rd, they said 'Oh it was SO close, you lost 2nd place by ONE vote!!!' .....that was bittersweet. Hahaha......
And the second story I have for you tonight iiiiiiiis..... Super crush and I went for dinner tonight! Yaaaaaaay :) Hahahah. Eyeball roll I know I know. But anyways, I called him yesterday asking if he wanted to go for dinner at my friends new restaurant, and he thought for a bit then said 'sure, why not.' Didn't talk much after and then just hung up..... Wasn't really exited or anything so then I went to bed. 7 30 rolls around and I get a msg from him saying something came up and he couldn't make it for dinner anymore. I read the msg. Said 'why am I not surprised' to myself. Then went back to sleep. Hahaha secretly I wasnt surprised because its happened every single time we were supposed to meet up. so I wasn't THAT upset..... (maybe a teense because I did msg iris). But anyways, the day rolled by and I went to the studio to grade my dress. I failed miserably as I fell asleep :( Hahaha BUT, i was JOLTED awake by my cell ringing and it was super crush!!! Hahahaha. Apparently whatever he had to do fell through so he wanted to see if I still wanted to go out. UH YEAH! hahahah. So.... long story short we did end up going for dinner and it was pretty good! I didn't talk like a ditzy school girl and the staff and super crush got along really well. He ordered sake and totally tried to get me drunk!!!! Hahahah maaaaaaybe not..... but I did get red faced from drinking so fast....... but I'm pretty sure I stayed a lady !! And then. At the end of the meal........(wait for iiiiit)............ he paid for dinner! I was NOT expecting that. I actually was considering to pay for dinner since I still hadn't used my KY giftcard. But he brushed me off :( Yes, yes, I know he was just being friendly and he also clearly stated 'this isn't a date' as I also stated when we first sat at the sushi bar. Soooo it's nothing special. But.... I just didn't expect it at all since we always split the bill, and I thought it was really nice :) Hahaha, such a school girl :[
and oh btw, Brendan is totally left handed........

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