Monday, July 17, 2006

Alas cruel world.....

Sooo, my internet at home went down again. Maybe i should just start paying for it....hahah jkjk. Right now i'm just too lazy 2 walk home and i wanted 2 slack off a bit. I worked on friday, saturday and sunday. And i'll say that the friday and saturday were the exact opposite of each other.
Friday was a pretty good day, it was steady, not crazy hectic friday-busy. So that was good. And since i worked dinner rather than lunch i actually had time 2 get ready for work and look nice. Hahaha my workmates all asked me if i was going out on a date after work. (hey it was just some lipgloss) But apparently lipgloss makes a big difference because i made $30 tip on take out (i usually make 15-20$) And then i went 2 save on's where i bumped into iris. (actually i was on the otherside of jasper when i called her and right before my phone cut out she said *i'm at save on's*) so yeah i 'bumped' into her. Her and Ling came over for a small 'dinner' and after they left i started making corinna's special desserts for May's house warming party on sunday.
Saturday was an extremely crappy day. Wearing lipgloss really does make a difference cuz i never wore any that day. The first take out i took was horrible. The lady was a real snob, and i had 2 re-order certain stuff cuz 'you guys always screw up my order'. And then i undercharged her 10$. (this is the first time that has every happened 2 me before) i called her back and she made a big BIG deal about it saying stuff that i'm too lazy 2 type out. And eventually after like 10 mintues her husband told me that he'd come in to pay it back another day. And i was like sure okay, whatever. I beleive i will never see that 10$ i had 2 pay again. Then some lady made me make 8 cups of miso soup during the busiest time of the day. And then someone payed their 10.13 bill with 10$ and 1 galaxy cinema token. And i know she did it on purpose cuz she lifted up the bill and put the coin under it. AND THEN at like 8PM this lady walked up 2 me and in this cocky voice was lke *your ladies washroom is flooding really bad, i think 'you' should go fix it right away.* why yes right away i'll just pull the magical plunger that i keep in my pocket out and do it right away. Geez. So i went into the washroom and opened the door and stepped in a puddle. As iris said it looked like someone had lodged their shoe inside the toilet bowl. The water was overflowing like a mofo fountain. Also, since the water wasn't draining throught the drain in the floor it started....somehow seeping throught the wall and i guess since it had been flooding for like 10 mintues it soaked up a nice thick puddle in the dinning room. So sad.
Sunday wasn't so bad I just worked afternoon and then went 2 May's new place where i pretty much played mario party 4 for like....6 hours. hahah. Waluigi still rocks. Pretty funny cuz after like 3 hours of gaming, right as the game was announcing the winner the baby crawled over 2 the gamecube and pushed the power button. thats one dexterious baby. Weeelll. i think thats all i wanted 2 say.
....and to think i could have been home by now had i not come here 2 write this blog.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Hi Everybody!! Super excited cuz my internet is working. ohohoho. Anyhoo heres pictures of me from this years anime convention. In case anyone forgot.... (or doesn't recognize) i'm kakashi when he was an ANBU....

Minus the fact that i forgot about his shoes and therefore had to make them 20 mintues before leaving i was pretty happy w/ my costume. I got a lot of comments and my props turned out quite nicely. I made the mask and kunai knife pretty much from scratch (weeell, i used a basic halloween mask as a base) I was a little bit sad because on saturday i wore my contacts in the wrong eyes and put the scar on the wrong eye too... damn you mirrors. hahaha. But aside from those 2 problems everything else was good. yum yum. It actually doesn't look as good as i remembered it.... But yeah. I forgot to take pictures of tara's costumes. Possibly had to do w/ the fact that i didn't take any pictures at the animethon at ALL.... come on people wheres your creative juices? I actually want to say that i didn't buy that much stuff. First day i spent under $100. Basically all the stuff that i wanted 2 buy wasn't there. So on the 2nd day, after feeling really left out from not buying stuff i went around and bought random stuff that i semi-wanted. ie. many kakashi items. hahah i bought a big plushie and the little one that i was gunning down on ebay, like 4 keychains, and then some artbooks. So all in all it wasn't really that much. No 10 bags like a few years ago. hahah. anyhoo i should prolly go to sleep now... which i wont.

Monday, July 10, 2006


yo dawgs. hoho i'm here at the U mooching free internet access. isnt it great? Main reason for this entry is to comment on animethon...13 i believe. It wasn't really that great i thought. not that many super great costumes....actually there weren't that many costumes period. Gosh everybody wheres you anime spirit? The only one that really stuck out as good was that one guy dressed up as Jirara.... and i'm sure i've spelt that wrong. And of course my costume. Hohoho. seriously i got a lot of comments on it i'm so proud. hee hee. especially since, i made everything, with the exception of the pants.... But yah, i was really worried it wasn't going to look good since i didn't actually put everything on w/ makeup/hair until the actual day.. But yah super happy. hahaha. Um... not that much stuff in the dealers room although there seemed to be a lot more dealers. The only reason i spent over $100 is mainly cuz i bought plushies which i wouldn't actaully bought cept that i was feeling a bit sad cuz i didn't buy that much. hahah. aside from a few manga i bought the naruto art book, and the angel sanctuary art book wich i was quite shocked at how inexpensive it was. hohoh deals deals deals. Yuppers. i was also a little upset because i didn't enter the cosplay contest. The worker man at comic king told me my costume was the best one he'd seen all weekend. i was berry berry proud. (PS my friend 'tyreese' won the cosplay contest and i guess i didn't think her costume was that great so i was a bit sad) but ah well what can you do. I might be famous on the internet if you look up ANBU Kakashi from animethon 13. hohohoho. Anyhoo gonna go now. later everyboby.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

oh joy

i have access to internet again! man its been an extremely long time. going to be extremely quick. Just some basic recap seeing how as nothing itneresting has happened really. Finished spring classes and have been on break. My parents came in last week. I was actually pretty excited to see them. Hohum. Animethon is in 2 days. Kinda excited. But doesn't think she will go. oh poo-pee. Ling will go and so will Tara, parchance i can dupe jessicaw to come. oh hohoho. Um um. what else. Oh right i think i mentioned a long time ago that i' going to be kakashi from naruto. I dunno how it looks right now cuz i dont have the hair and stuff....but i hope i look okay. Otherwise i will also not go. hahah. I'm so proud of the knife prop that i made. hohoho. Anyhoo, thats all for now. I am broke and trying 2 save moolah so i will go now. Byee bye...