Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Romeo, oh Romeo

wherefore art thou Romeo?....seriously where are you? bwa. I was out xmas shopping this past week and i found this kids jewelry box and it played the prettiest song ever ! It was the last one there and it was out of its original box so i coudln't find the song name. All the other jewelry boxes were playing typical tunes like brahmns lullaby and swan lake or something. I asked both my brother and my friend if they knew what the song was and my brother was like *romeo and juliet* and i didn't believe him and i spent like 20 minutes trying 2 find the packaging with no avail. Today however i felt inclined to go online 2 look for romeo and juliet. Because i had a slight feeling that maybe my brother was right. The first 5 songs i found were like classical tchaikovsky and mozart-y stuff and they weren't the ones i was looking for. Sooo i cleaned up my room a bit and then just right now i went 2 look for it again. and Voila! boy my brother is smart. Hiiigh-yaaah, sooo 2morrow i have 2 get up early and go back 2 WEM and look for some presents for my two bro-thers. I think i'm aiming for some clothes. Tra lal aaaa. My mom is coming back out with me on the 26th or something so that she can get her hair cut. Oy oy. I found those shoes that Sherry from work had! hohoh i was so happy. siiigh. Did i mention to anyone that i'm almost broke? erg arg. Soooo i think i'm going to go 2 bread now then okey! (whats with all the exclamation marks today ey, haha) Oo oo, PS i'm going back 2 fort mac 2morrow. So i prolly wont have an entry for a few weeks. I'm scared someone will bootleg the turntableau i purchased for my uber cool cousin, on the bus while i am being distracted by overly gorgeous men. *Sigh* Fare-thee-well

Saturday, December 17, 2005


....我想你.... ohohoh hahaa, look everybody, i can read basic mandarin! *sniff sniff* this is the happiest moment of my life. Ahh, i finished my last and final exam today. yay yay! I can read and write some basic mandarin now everyone!!! ohoho i'm so happy. hahah Right after i finished my exam i went straight to WEM. hahah I haven't been there for like 4 months i swear. le sigh. Theres so much stuff i want to buy for myself right now.... I want to get a new pair of shoes (kinda 2 now that i think about it), a new backpack, a new bag/purse, a new cellphone, a new jacket..... *siigh* I have to finish all my xmas shopping first before i go do anything though. Oh, except that i bought myself a hat today.....i feel kinda bad....but then again not really....hahaha. Jargon 5 I'm so glad the winter break is finally here....although i have to say that this semester went by extremely quickly, and i think i'm pretty content w/ how my exams went. Still a little bit if-y on the econ one (i swear i did super on the first half then i scrambled to finish). Maybe i should sign up for more classes next sem so that i'm super busy and time therefore passes by more quickly cuz i'm not always just waiting around. I think some pretty interesting stuff happened since my last entry but i can't seem 2 remember anything... ho hum. Oh right i ahve 2 clean up my apt a little bit and do some laundry....har har har.... sigh. Welp gotta go folks, ttyl

Saturday, December 03, 2005

embarassing moment

hello fellow village people,
i have an anecdote to tell everybody. And i will say this here and now. i did not fabricate any....*any* of the following story up. And so it begins....
On thursday morning i woke up late and was therefore rushing around the house packing up my bookbag for class and work following immediately after. I left the house 10 minutes later than usual so when i got outside i started speedwalking (in the freshly snow covered sidewalk mind you) I turned into the stairwell entrance of the Grandin station and walked down two steps. My right foot pretty much slid right out from underneath me, off the step and into the air. Basically i was airborne for a good 5 seconds, where i then proceeded to land on the stair bum first....yes....ouch. (what? did anybody see me?) Oh if only that were the case. There just so happened 2 be a girl 2 steps in front of me when i slipped. And since when you slip down stairs you dont fall straight up but rather forward, i....i kicked her. i kicked her in the back, ladies and gentlemen. In my slow motion airborne state i seen her stumble and grab the hand rail with all her might, and (thankgod) she did not fall down) sooo i landed on the ground and she turned around and looked at me. seen me on the ground and immediately asked me if i was okay. I was kinda embarassed so i was like *oh yeah i'm fine im okay....oh my goodness im so sorry i didn't mean 2 kick you in the back, are YOU okay?!?! i'm so sorry* and she took it pretty good she was like *oh no no i'm fine i'm fine, are you sure your okay? because you slipped* and i was like *heheh yeah hahah (so embarrased) i'm okay* so she turned around to go down the rest of the stairs and i got up. (hahaa....still not the end my friends still not the end) I stood up. took one step, took another...ohp...nope didn't even make it two steps when i did *exactly* the same thing....again. My legs flew out from underneath me and i landed right back on my bum. EXCEPT, this time....i did NOT kick the girl. Rather than kicking her this time shoe *flew off* and rolled down the steps. The girl looked at this pink shoe at the bottom of the steps and was like ** she turns around, and once again, sees me sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the stairwell. *OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY?!?!??! are you dizzy me to call for help or soemthing* dear me i think she thought i was like sick or about to pass out (or thought i was on drugs is what my daddy said) soooo i stood up and i was like *'m just tired....hahah....yeah.....* because honestly i didn't want to tell her that i feel fine and i dont know why i just fell down a flight of steps 2 consecutive times. i mean come on, after you fall down once you figure you'd wake up and be alert. NooooOOooo not corinna, i'm still all lethargic after wiping out on a flight of stairs..... hhaha but yeah.... that is the end. and once i again i repeat, this is all true. (seriously though, i've only EVER seen shoes fly off in cartoons) ever time i told someone that story they didn't really beleive my shoe flew off....but it did.....i remember because i was there..... le sigh. i have the stair bruise to prove it. hahah. but i guess thats all.... i can't wait to tell sherry in class on monday. hahah aaaah. no matter how many times i've said it *i kicked her in the back* makes me laugh *everytime* aaaaaaaaaaaah

Thursday, December 01, 2005

*sigh* what a relief

*siiiigh* i 'finally' got all my hw finished. I was really really worried on Monday (as if you couldn't tell from the previous entry). As bad as it is to admit it, but having so many people out here really did take its toll on me. Gramma and daddy left this morning and low and behold i finished my *whole* accounting assignment today....just the past 2 hours. good grief i'm so relieved. This semester's almost over too! Ohohoh i'm so happy. It went by extremely fast. I'd like to believe its because i managed my time wisely. I had 4 courses to keep me busy and when i wasn't in school i was almost always at work. so that left me with only the weekends open and that was most likely reserved for doing homework....oh goodness haha i'm a dweeb. But it worked....Anyways, the main reason for this blog today is in regards to a recent design assignment i got. Its called 'reincarnation' and the basic objective is to create a new and useful object/piece of furniture/something out of readymade objects. (ie a table out of a cutting board and 4 potato mashers) So on tuesday i went 2 the dolla store w/ irish and bought some kuffufin to dook around with. That night i came home and brainstormed for like 5 hours straight and all i came up w/ was a bucket shoe tree....(yes, ingenious i know) I had designers block. dear me. But today i was sitting in the studio w/ my classmates and i was looking at these 2 cd's that i had crammed in my bag'o'goods. And a thought pried itself into my head. I liked the look of the backs of cd's and the way that those 2 cd's were overlapping each other looked pretty neat. I thought that maybe i'd make a serving tray out of glued together cd's and maybe if i could find some cheap records at an antique shop or something i could use those too. i realized that the tray would be a bit wobbly due to the varying heights of the overlapping cd's and records so i'd have to put a piece of plexi glass on top to even it out. ....20 mintues later when i was waiting for the train to come, I was still thinking of what else i could do to my cd/record serving tray. then i thought, w/ a plexi glass top like that it won't really be a serving tray any more but more like a table top. and i thought of what i could use for a base. I wanted 2 stay w/ this slighly electronic/techno theme when i suddenly remembered....i had a old, old box-y tv collecting dust in my closet. the screen was flat and if i turned it on its back (w/ the screen facing up) i could put the serving tray on that and use the tv as my base!!!! Holly hell, i got home and the first thing i did was dig out that TV. I almost did that leprechaun hop because the telly was almost perfect. i'd have 2 make a little foot thing 2 keep it from wobblying but my goodness so great. tee hee. I felt kinda bad about ruining perfectly good records so i thought maybe i wouldn't glue them down. and that led to the idea that they could be removable....which led to the other idea of making a removable record serving tray and cd coasters. HOLLY HELL i can't believe i thought of all of that in 1 hour! HOHOH boy i'm getting goosebumps. Jeff brought out this neat like....neon pinkish plexi glass and i'd love to use that to laminate like...the record tray or a couple coasters. My god, i hope this turns out. haha My *great* ideas have the tendancy to bomb a lot of the times....but times change dont they?! I'm kinda sad because A) all that stuff that i bought at the dollar store i'm not going to use (ie cat food bowl....) and B) i'm prolly going to spend much more time and effort (and possibly moolah) on this project even though its not worth half as much as the previous 3.... please PLEAAASE turn out tv-cd-record table.
PS. since i was going for this big party tray/table i thought of using those funnels i got as like....cups. hahah ITS A GOOD IDEA, MAN. The 2nd funnel holds EXACTLY one shot, and the big funnel holds 4 shots. if i could i'd drill 4 holes into the plexi glass and have the funnels sit in them....My god i just want to mass produce this baby.