Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One Trip a Year

Once a year I have a really bad week and start talking sleeping pills again, then I have a really worrisome experience and trip, and put the pills away for the year. 

I had a conversation with B on Monday night while the sleeping pills were kicking in and this is what the convo went like. A little bit alarming, no?

I told him I would take the pulls until Friday and stop.  

The following night I ate an entire bag of kitkat bites, had 2 full conversations with friends via text and replied 6 times to a post my friend put on my wall. 

I remember almost none of this. 

So at the caution of a couple friends, I put the Zopiclone away. Now I'm just hoping I can get a good night's rest  normally. 

Take care, everybody. 

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