Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I don't know why.

I don't know why.
But I miss Andrew.
Well, I miss the little attention he gave me anyways.
Do I regret saying goodbye. .......
No I dont. He was mean and inconsiderate. I really hope that wasn't his intention and he really was Weird Awkward Guy but he hurt me a lot.
When I think back to everything that happened and didn't happen, this was exactly what would have happened eventually. The ball was always, always, always in your court. You just never played. You would send me risky photos and only reply back when it was convenient for you or if we talked about sex. Never a serious conversation. You always said you were shy and never talked about yourself and of course I couldn't believe you. You were such a contradiction. You always left me hanging and waiting and never saw the necessity to reply back to me and acted like nothing happened after you blew me off. After dinner the one time we met you just walked awy from me in the parking lot without even saying good bye and that stunned me. Maybe you really are completely oblivious, but even if so, you aren't what I needed. Even if I pretended you were.
Maya said you were a nice guy. I just wish you could have extended the same courtesy towards me as you did her.
Even though it hurts so much, I'm glad I found the strength to let you go. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

January 26th

It's both Andrew and Dave's birthday today.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Comfort Zone

I stepped out of my comfort zone by deciding to chase a guy that was the exact opposite of me. Someone who was the reverse image of the last person I dated. I thought it would be different. I thought I could learn more and grow.
It turned out they weren't very different after all. 
They were all liars. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Now it's called Concealed Depression, eh?

"Never turn away from a person who seems to be struggling. Love when it's difficult. Cry when you need to. Reach out when someone closes the door. Open your heart, even if it feels terrifying to do so."

Did you hear that you numbskull.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

One Trip a Year

Once a year I have a really bad week and start talking sleeping pills again, then I have a really worrisome experience and trip, and put the pills away for the year. 

I had a conversation with B on Monday night while the sleeping pills were kicking in and this is what the convo went like. A little bit alarming, no?

I told him I would take the pulls until Friday and stop.  

The following night I ate an entire bag of kitkat bites, had 2 full conversations with friends via text and replied 6 times to a post my friend put on my wall. 

I remember almost none of this. 

So at the caution of a couple friends, I put the Zopiclone away. Now I'm just hoping I can get a good night's rest  normally. 

Take care, everybody. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Doing Okay

Hi Sports Fans,
Just wanted to check in. I'm doing a lot better today. Forgot to take the zopiclone until it was too late, so now I'm just up and aware and re-reading my last message to Andrew. (Omg stop, I know)
It doesn't feel so bad today, I read it and it doesn't make me as sad anymore. Time heals all, I guess. 
Of course I'm still wondering how he's doing and how he reacted. Worst case scenario he thought I was being a mega bitch and deleted everything I've ever sent as well. Best case scenario is he re-reads it every night like I did and thinks of everything that happened....
 I'm a Puta, I know.
I'm my biggest enemy. I'm always trying to prove myself to myself but of course I'm never good enough. When I think back I was always trying to prove myself to him. To show him that I was smart and eloquent and knowledgable. The last few times I re-read that message I felt really selfish and naive. Ill never make it past this stage if I don't stop beating myself up every time someone likes me or gives me a compliment. I'm sure Andrew and I would never have happened as we were so different but.... Ah I dunno. Don't think so much, C. 
Anyways, I think I wrote a really good comment/response on FB regarding an EJ article. It sounds really professional and I think Andrew would have enjoyed reading it..... :(

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

The Irony

I'm pretty subdued right now from the zopiclone. Thankful actually do I was pretty quiet and mellow todat at work. One thing  I found interesting  about today is the people who noticed something was wrong. My GM and our UPS guy. All of them pretty much strangers and yet when I said hi and smiled they saw past my fake smile and asked me what was wrong.

How funny, the people who barely know you can tell more about you than your actually friends.

And then somehow..... you're in another place

I'm super lucky I started taking zopiclone again. I'm positive I would be a mess if I wasn't. It makes me not want to eat anything, and anything I do eat tastes like metal but.... It mellows me out. I don't feel sad at all. It's good.

Andrew has been the most confusing boy I have ever met. Gabby and Brendan and Ryan and all my other friends are right, when I think about it. He caused me so much pain and we weren't even dating. How worse would it be if we were. I know a lot of the downfall had to do with myself. My expectations and my lack of self confidence probably helped put the distance between us. It's not all my fault I know, but it's not all his fault either. He was really really bad at communicating and paying attention to things I told him. I told him a lot of problems that I had or things that bothered me and he didn't do a single thing about them.

I like getting good morning messages from you, Andrew.

And then you stopped saying good morning to me. I just don't understand.

I tried to stop talking to you right before the Christmas Break. I felt devastated that first day you ignored me. I told you the things that you were doing that made me hurt and you ignored me. I had a break down. I thought I got better as more time passed. Everyone told me to forget about you and that you were immature. Move on. So I tried and deleted your number and all your messages.

And then you messaged me several days later. Hope you are having a good day, Corinna.
I ignored it.
And then you messaged me again the next day. Hope you are having a good day, Corinna.
And I ignored it.

You kept liking photos of mine on Facebook and in one weak moment I messaged you back. We talked for a couple days, but every time I just felt sad. I complained a lot to you, I know. But you weren't helping either. It felt like you weren't even trying to have a conversation with me. And you would reply back when it was convenient for you. And so of course I messed up again. On New Years Eve I got sent home work early because I was sick. I had spent almost 3 days just lying in bed sleeping. But you were still messaging me. You asked me what I was doing tonight and if I had plans. Silly me thought you wanted to do something with me. So I told you I wanted to go see the fireworks. I thought you would come with me. But you didn't. You didn't even reply. So I got mad. I got mad and told you that you were boring, that you never asked me to do anything except ask how I was doing. And of course you ignored me. I'm surprised because I actually wasn't even that upset. I just went and saw the fireworks by myself.

And I tried to stop talking to you again. I deleted your number and your messages again. I blocked you on Snapchat and I blocked you on Facebook and I blocked you on Instagram. I knew that if I didn't, I would find some stupid reason to message you again, or post photos that I was hoping you would see. I wanted you to go away.

But at the same time I was hoping you would message me again.

And you did. 6 days later you messaged me and said you knew I wasn't doing very well. You already had plans for NYE. And you hoped I was doing better in 2015.

During those 6 days when I didn't talk to you I hoped and hoped and hoped you would message me.
Just so I could ask you to leave me alone. Because I think that is the only way I can be normal around you. If you aren't here.

I thought all day of what I wanted to say to you and I replied right after 5pm.
I know and I'm sorry.
Every single time I talk to you I feel happy for about 2 hours and then I feel stupid and regretful and the years and years of depression suffocating me.
I sent it right after work so I wouldn't get distracted and I thought I could have an actual non-interrupted conversation with you. I thought we could go for delicious Seafood Udon Soup and Kyoto and I could pay for your meal and we would be even, and I would say good bye.
But of course that didn't happen.
He didn't reply.

So I just said Goodbye.

I can't play with you anymore, Andrew. I'm really sorry. If you have even the tiniest bit of respect for me, I beg you to please stop talking to me and please leave me alone. Every time I see a message from you now, I don't know what to say or do to start feeling better. I had to block you on all my social media sites. I'm sorry but its the only thing I knew how to do to prevent myself from contacting you again.
All I've ever wanted my entire life was to feel like I mattered to someone. But when I try to have conversations with you I feel so disposable. I haven't felt the depression this bad in in almost 2 years and it all started coming back after I met you. You were such a wonderful person when we first met and I don't understand what happened. Probably me. I told you to backhand me if I ever started whining too much, remember.
I wish you the best of luck in 2015 and I hope you have a wonderful birthday surrounded by people you love and can be yourself around. I'm sorry I can't return your dinner to you
"There is no cure for the common cold and there is no cure for the affection affliction" - Except Time.
Goodbye Andrew.

That's the jist of the message I sent. Maybe it was a bit more poetic. I can't remember the zopiclone had kicked in by then. I'll probably read it one more time when I get home and I'll delete it. And I hope that's all I need.

I feel really good right now. Good meaning I don't feel anything. Quite numb. Like my brain is cloudy and not capable of thinking.

It feels wonderful and I hope it doesn't stop anytime soon.