Wednesday, November 26, 2014

You big dummy

I dunno what to do. I haven't talked to Andrew since Sunday night. He's messaged me once every day, with just a random message. I don't know what to do. As usual, I wanna talk to him, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I shouldn't. My gut feeling has almost never been wrong..... right? I dunno. I wanna message him back but that's just gonna say I don't care what you did and its okay, right? I'm sure if I told anyone the entire story they would roll their eyes and say I'm over reacting..... but we've only met once and he's brushed me off a handful of times already. What does that say about him? Nothing good can come from this right? So I'm really setting myself up for more disappointment and slaps in the face because its already happened so often.....But also, I don't want to be the meanie that just stops talking to you. I know how that feels cause its been done to me before too. So, what should I do then?

I told myself I never want to fall for someone again and be put into the position where I felt like I couldn't survive without them. I never want someone to be the source of my happiness again.

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