Monday, November 10, 2014

Welcome Back

I miss not being in Edmonton. I miss wandering around 12 hours a day. I miss feelin like I'm rich. Ha-ha. 
Here comes the regret. Lots of regret not buying more stuff or stuff that I saw but didn't want at the time. I guess I'll just say it's an excuse for me to go back to Tokyo again one day. In a couple years? Next year? Just a short trip and then HK and then Taiwan is the current plane. Just another year. Sigh. 6 more months and you can take another trip, silly. 
It snowed today. Felt a little sad. 
Can I tell you guys something? B said he missed me. It was in a group message and it was following a humorous conversation, but it still kinda surprised me. Next day I told him I felt sad being back in Edmonton, and he said "you have nice legs, why are you worrying?" He also messages me practically as soon as I got off the plane seeing if I wanted to go out...... (He's not single, you guys)
Aiya. This guy always says such simple things that get to me. You over think to much, silly girl~
And on a somewhat related note Andrew messaged me once when I came back and haven't heard from him since. :(

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