Wednesday, November 26, 2014

You big dummy

I dunno what to do. I haven't talked to Andrew since Sunday night. He's messaged me once every day, with just a random message. I don't know what to do. As usual, I wanna talk to him, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I shouldn't. My gut feeling has almost never been wrong..... right? I dunno. I wanna message him back but that's just gonna say I don't care what you did and its okay, right? I'm sure if I told anyone the entire story they would roll their eyes and say I'm over reacting..... but we've only met once and he's brushed me off a handful of times already. What does that say about him? Nothing good can come from this right? So I'm really setting myself up for more disappointment and slaps in the face because its already happened so often.....But also, I don't want to be the meanie that just stops talking to you. I know how that feels cause its been done to me before too. So, what should I do then?

I told myself I never want to fall for someone again and be put into the position where I felt like I couldn't survive without them. I never want someone to be the source of my happiness again.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

If it doesn't bring you happiness....

Let it go
I decided I wouldn't hang around people that made me sad, anymore. That means you, Andrew. Half of the time I'm happy when you talk to me and half of the time you make me feel sad. That's too much time to be feeling sad.
I just don't understand how you think, and how you think its okay to do the things you do and say, and think its okay to brush me off like that. Four times, Andrew. Four Times. My friends told me to stop talking to you after the second time. Like an idiot I didn't. The thing that makes me the saddest is you don't even realize how mean brushing me off is. You go on like nothing happened. I even asked you last week. Don't tell me you want to do something and make me wait for you and then cancel last minute. It's rude an inconsiderate and it means you have no respect for me and my time. And what did you do on Sunday? You did exactly the same thing. I didn't think I was going to be so mad, but the more I thought about it the more disappointed I got and sad for liking you. I didn't talk to you all day yesterday and I'm pretty sure you didn't care and didn't think I was upset with you. When Dave liked me he at least seemed to make every attempt possible to see me, in the beginning and didn't play with me like a toy.

You, on the other hand, are a big liar and a jerk, and I hope I find the strength to tell you to go away.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Welcome Back

I miss not being in Edmonton. I miss wandering around 12 hours a day. I miss feelin like I'm rich. Ha-ha. 
Here comes the regret. Lots of regret not buying more stuff or stuff that I saw but didn't want at the time. I guess I'll just say it's an excuse for me to go back to Tokyo again one day. In a couple years? Next year? Just a short trip and then HK and then Taiwan is the current plane. Just another year. Sigh. 6 more months and you can take another trip, silly. 
It snowed today. Felt a little sad. 
Can I tell you guys something? B said he missed me. It was in a group message and it was following a humorous conversation, but it still kinda surprised me. Next day I told him I felt sad being back in Edmonton, and he said "you have nice legs, why are you worrying?" He also messages me practically as soon as I got off the plane seeing if I wanted to go out...... (He's not single, you guys)
Aiya. This guy always says such simple things that get to me. You over think to much, silly girl~
And on a somewhat related note Andrew messaged me once when I came back and haven't heard from him since. :(