Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The best feeling

So, its been awhile since I last wrote an entry.
I've been trying to go out more, be it movies or dinner with friends, studio, or even clean the condo. Studio sales are actually going decent. It's making me back some spending money and definitely feel like I am doing better and better. I even made a shirt that I think has lots of potential !
Anyways, I'm still not 100%. It's really bugging me still that I'm not and I spend maybe 1/4 of my day thinking about him still.... or rather imagining what I would say if I saw his fat selfish face again. Yeah, I imagine conversations over and over and over again. So basically I still haven't forgiven myself. Not him. But myself. It wasn't all my fault. Not even close. But its not every minute any more. Maybe every few hours. So I'm doing a lot better. Yeah.

Anyhow main reason for this entry. This blog has always been like my diary. I write in it when bad things happen, and I write in it when good things happen. I haven't had a happy entry in a long time, so I'm sure it will be nice to read something more upbeat. Plus it boosted my confidence :)

So, has anyone ever had a day where they decide to wear something, and then regret it later on? I do that almost every day. On Sunday I decided to wear a pair of short shorts. It was a nice day and I said "I've lost weight, I can pull these off !" And then as the day progresses I start saying "MY THIGHS ARE WHITE AND JIGGLY I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM WEARING THESE" Finally at around 8pm I call it a day at the studio and start walking home. Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle. I finally get home and check my phone and I have one text from old super crush that simply read "Nice Legs". (For those who don't know, when I first met supercrush 2 years ago I had huuuuuge crush on him. Obviously he did not. Anyways, I've grown up and now we're decent friends, but of course there is always the notion that I used to like him.) Back on topic. I get a random text from him that says "Nice Legs". Uh, excuse me? He texts me back, and apparently he was driving by and totally checked me out because I was sporting some 'serious legs'. But the real kicker is: He didn't know even know it was me ! He said after he realized who he was checking out he shook his head and said "Aaaah Fuck". Made me smile super big. Hahaha, Ugly Duckling grows up :)
Anyways, it just made me feel happy, and kind of boosted my confidence. And just made me feel pretty again.

I know I say this at the end of every blog, but I think I'll be okay now......

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