Tuesday, June 25, 2013


This post was sitting in my draft box for a few months. Not too sure why I never posted it, but I've gone and came back from London !!

Almost 3 months have past since I told Dave to leave me alone and almost 7 months have passed since I broke up with you. I broke up with you. You may have wanted to, but that doesn't matter because I was the one that had the balls to say it. I'm doing a lot better now. I'm still pretty mad, but I'm doing a lot better. Not gonna lie but I still secretly hope you'll message me one day and say Sorry. But I've at least gotten to the the point where I'm okay now because there is a very low chance of that happening. You're too stupid and selfish to think you did anything wrong.
I bake and cook a lot more now to kinda fill the void and I also am on Pintrest an awful lot. Hahah yeah. A lot. But anyways. I'm doing better. I sleep a bit better and don't wake up in the middle of the night with panic attacks, but I do still have a little trouble staying asleep. I'm also going to London next week :) Thats big news. I really wanted to do something to feel brave an independant again and nothing does that like a solo trip to a country you've never been before. I decided about a month and a half ago that I wanted to go somewhere and I narrowed it down to San Francisco or London (how odd). I originally really wanted to go to San Fran but London seemed scarier and I knew I would feel better coming back from that trip. San Francisco reminded me of New York and as much as I wanted to go to their Chinatown and eat food and feel rich, I thought it was a very "safe" vacation. So I'll be hostel-ing it up in London. Haven't done much packing and research yet but I know I'm looking forward to the museums and markets. And of course food. The only downfall is Europe is pricy :S But, whatever, I that's what money is for, right?

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