Monday, July 16, 2007

Yeah, yeah me like that

....Sooo this is the 2nd time I've had to write this entry, because I somehow clicked a button and my post got lost. And the stupid auto save, saved right after my post was gone so it saved an empty post.... gotdamn.
But anyways. Isn't this picture beautiful??? Its a street in Hangzhou (aka HZ)... It woulda been more beautiful if that lady in the bottom left hand corner wasn't looking into the depths of my camera.... that dirty lady. But yeah.... oh HZ, i'm gonna miss you too.
But anyums. Today is Monday.... got a long ways to go till Saturday.... whats so special about saturday?? haha oh nothing.... tee hee. Hahaha. A bunch of ppl from the zhejiang group are going clubbing on saturday for T's b-day... and oh... someone might be there. hahahah i'm becoming obsessive aren't i? hahah Whaaat i've done worse before. Hmm... what else did i mention in that blog entry. Oh i remember i mentioned that when i was in HK i got my palm read. Hahaha. i love that crap. It said that.... this year i had a good school year (which i did, 3 A's baby!!) but this coming school year is gonna be a struggle (say WHAAA??) and also my immediate family is also supposed 2 get some sicknesses... oh dear. I'm also supposed 2 start having problems w/ my stomache... which is bad since i already DO have problems w/ my stomache. Um.... i think i'm missing one part.... minus the part about my love life... hahah i'll keep that to myself for now. mwa hahaa.
Um... starting work 2morrow, which is tuesday. Hopefully work will make the week go faster... why? i do not know. After all i only have one month left before... GASP classes start again.... *sigh*. Oh saturday.... i dont want to set my hopes up to high for saturday just in case all does NOT go well... but yeah i get to see my mutual coffee friend again. hahah i have to find him a shorter nickname. Welp this post looks to be about the same length that it originally was so i'll wrap it up. Lets hope that i dont delete it again!

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