Wednesday, December 06, 2006

While Reading a Fable

I was at the library looking for books for my project a few weeks ago when I stumbled upon a section with Aesop's fables. So having just finished my first 2 exams and having plenty of reading time for the next week and a half, I decided to rent out one of the books. Obviously his fables are speckled with morals and I've found that most of them are pretty much bittersweet. This following one that I just read, made me pretty sad actually for the lion..... poor guy.

The Lion in Love
A Lion fell deeply in love with the daughter of a cottager and wanted to marry her; but her father was unwilling to give her to so fearsome a husband, and yet didn't want to offend the Lion; so he hit upon the following expedient. He went to the Lion and said, "I think you will make a very good husband for my daughter: but I cannot consent to your union unless you let me draw your teeth and pare your nails, for my daughter is terribly afraid of them." The Lion was so much in love that he readily agreed that this should be done. When once, however, he was thus disarmed, the Cottager was afraid of him no longer, but drove him away with his club.

.... aaaaw. All of the fables up until that one had guessed correctly what the outcome was. But for some reason this one took me completely by surprise. Ah i've said it once and i'll say it again, I'm a hopeless romantic. Anyhoo thats all for now. Just a little quote on a silly fable.... *sigh*

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