Wednesday, June 21, 2006

only wishing....

oOh yah, so my internet has been down for the longest time, so here i am using my brothers cpu to type out my blog. Soooo....since i no longer have the opportunity to write random brain thoughts at the wee hours in the morning, i'm stuck w/ writting a blog entry everytime something important happens.
Today, (as the heading for this entry indicates) something out of the ordinary happened. or so i feel. Weeeell, i didn't have 2 work this morning so i was up and about doing stuff...watching tv. And then i went 2 take a nap before going to work. Where... oh wow, it does kinda hurt... i basically had a dream. My dreams are always random stupid things, that never make sense, and have absolutley nothing to do w/ my life. But today this dream was kinda truthful...yet false. So... today i dreamt...(deep breath) that craig had found me again. Well not actually, but on msn. And i didn't know who he was at first because he was using a different name, but he eventually changed it back to craig. And when i found out, i basically just sat at my cpu desk and started crying because i was so happy, and so sad. He told me that he had moved to Ontario or something for the past 2 years, and that he had just moved back to Edmonton (whyte ave to be more exact) and, just like always we hit it off really really well. But in my dream i was also getting ready to go to work. So after like 20 mintues i told him i had to go to work. And he was like *okay i'll talk to you later....* and then i woke up. And at first i was all like drowsy and pretty happy because it was a pretty nice dream. But then i remembered that it was only a dream and those last words he said before i woke up. And.... so i felt pretty sad, because well first it WAS only a dream, and second he lied. *ow* man that really hurts. So then i went to work, were the first customer who came in bore a stiking resemblence to craig. And then a guy called in to make a reservation on friday for 'craig' and while i was reading the paper i found an article written by 'craig elliot'. (a while back ago when i didn't have this blog, and used to write in a diary, craig's 'code name' was elliot.) Really really strange.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

woo almost didn't make it

theoretically i-net seemed to almost crash... but i got to this page so here comes my attempt at making some more entries. Sooo, i finished my artH calss and got my mark back... %80..pooh... well my average was a A- so i should be pretty happy...(pretty shitty though considering the U doesn't include spring/summer marks in my GPA...DAMMIT)
but aaany-hoo. So...apparently 'budgeting' is a lot harder to do when one has a lot of stuff they wish/need to purchase... pretty shitty. Fathers day (as i stated last post) is in 2 days, so i need to polish of the rest of my daddy's gift. Aside from that i'm going to have to dish out a big C-note in a few days for the rest of my NYpics and the rest of cathy's scrapbook (stupid i forgot to consider the rest of the photos' id have to get developed) ARG. I also want to get some new clothes (and those white&purple pumas....) : ( but sadly, i think i'm going to give up on the puma's. siiiigh. I only have like... 3 work shirts that i wear and 2 of them look almost identical so i'm sure that my servers think i'm a dirty diryt child. Welll, i want to say that cathy's scrapbook is coming along nicely... of course i only have like...10 of the 40+ pictures in right now, soooo i'm sure it'll be fine. My crafty projects usually turn out pretty good. Eeeem... oh oh animethons coming up in the beginning of july! (dont have 2 skip it for portfolio review in mid august like i did last year this time) Whoo-hooo. still hoping to go as Kakashi. If i get him all finished maybe i can finish my 3/4 done miwako costume too. hahah oh the shame.....
speaking of shame. Charles started talking to me on msn today. (charles is my former boyfriend mitchs' bestest friend in the whole world, who i was kinda maybe seeing before i hooked up w/ i'm a dumb kid....) But anyways, so yeah, low and behold he started talking to me in whats been like...8 months maybe? and he was saying crap like *ooh i was just thinkin of ya, and i missed ya, and i liked your booty*?!?!?! what the HELL is that. seriously i have absolutley no idea what man in their right mind would strike up a conversation w/ an old friend saying
*i missed you and your bum!* deserves a swift kick in the groin right there i'll tell ya... jerk....
but ANY-ways...i should go to sleep. I'm going to WEM 2morrow w/ the I-train and L-....bus.... and i ......oh Doooooh.. i just glimpsed up and seen my every so growing collection of manga remembering that the new volume of each series i have should be coming out soon (if not alreayd here) and also remembered all those other mangas i wanted 2 purchase, with the money that i dont have.... *sob sob* why cruel world WHY!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

holy crustaceous barnacles

its almost been a month since i last posted??!?!! wow, that is quite shocking. Whats really shocking is that my computer hasn't been turned on in almost equally the same amount of time. Hooo-wee. Nothing of extreme importance has really happened that i'm dying to say so i'll just ramble on w/ some random thoughts that have happened since last post. Well, i'm saddened to say that i didn't make it into the BFA either. And although i didn't get as bummed out as i could have i really want to say that i must really really, REALLY suck a lot more than i thought i did. they replied back to me awfully quick. Man thinking about it right now is a bit depressing actually....
Aside from that everything ELSE has been pretty average. got 85% on my artH midterm (pretty proud of that) but i dont feel that confident about the exam seeing as how it seems nothing has seeped into my brain during lectures, and reading the text has done absolutely zilch. I thought yesterday was Fathers Day because my calendar had a missprint and said so. (stupid bootleg half price calendar....) i've been raking in $500+/ paycheck so i'm hoping i'll get enough moolah to pay for tuition by September. which according to my extremely brief budgeting i should do okay as long as i dont spend to much. (Which sadly i have already done yesterday, w/ my michael's/wal-mart/superstore trip) HAY i needed groceries and supplies to start on cathy's going away present. Oh and yeah Cathy's moving to vancouver come july. Sigh i'll prolly miss her. Last week me and her spent like....maybe 4 hours talking on the phone about when we were young. And i was actually pretty surprised because cathy had a pretty shitty childhood. Her mom was pretty much borderline abusive, and some of the stories she told me made me sersiously want to punch someone. I dont think her mom is a good mom at all. (maybe this sounds a little biased to you readers, but of the few stories that cathy told me, that was my impression) I kinda hinted at my past and that i was really depressed but when i tried to go deeper i choked up and couldn't do it.... sigh. one of these days i'll finally get it out.
Umm... last sunday i worked my first day as a server! hohoh it actually wasn't as bad as i remembered it being. I think i did pretty good, with the exception of during the last hour when i had a problem w/ the machine and my food got out before i had time to bring their drinks out.. haha oops. But other than that it went pretty good. I think i made at least 60$. (i say 'think' because i never got a chance to count my tips before dishing it out for dinner at furasato that same night w/ brian and jason.
i've been watching a lot of project runway recently (staying up till 2AM for it), and also i've been catching a lot of CSI too. (oh greg, tee hee). i was really excited on sunday because i thought sherry was coming back (working w/ wenna absolutely does not compare) but apparently i mistook june 11th, for JULY 11th.... sigh, one more month.
I'm looking forward to this friday because that'll be the start of my first snippit of 'summer vacation' till july 10th when summer class starts. OH BOY. I have a bunch of pent up energy that i'm going to expel on some unsuspecting man i meet at the first club i go to on saturday. hahah yeah right. I do have a lot of crafting energy though. I have to get started on cathy's scrapbook, and then after that i'm going to start working on my anbu costume. I think that aside from hair bleach, i'm all set for those 2 projects and shouldnt have to spend much more moolah. which is of course good for my 'budget'.
Oman, well i think that is all that i can remember for now. oh oh, cept ive been rollerblading a bit to try and get some more excercise, and on the way to the U couple weeks ago i did some major wipe-outs. i fell down 3 times, in 3 quite embarassing situations, all 3 times included a pedestian within close proximaty. The first time i flew across a lawn where this old man seen me and laughed, but he helped me up. The 2nd time i tripped while crossing the street and the 3rd time i flew down the highlevel bridge and took an inch of my shin guard. hahah i have then since stopped rollerblading for fear of my life. and that has been the life of corinna these past few weeks.