Tuesday, September 01, 2015

I Fucked Up

I Fucked Up, You Guys. 
I shouldn't have messages UPS Man. I'm can feel myself slipping into the sadness again. 
He didn't message me back and I feel absolutely horrible. I few stupid and I'm constantly wondering why. I thought he wanted to get to know me. He always said nice things to me when I saw him at work. So what happened? Did he think I was a loser? Did he think I was immature? I feel sad and stupid. 
I feel sad that he would judge me based on my Facebook life and he didn't even try to get to know me. 
I feel immensely sad. Sad and stupid all over again.  I'm not supposed to let those kind of guys get to me anymore. If they aren't willing to invest time in me, then they aren't worth my time either. 

But I feel sad and can't stop thinking. He must think I'm a huge loser. 

What a meanie. 

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