Friday, January 25, 2013

Someone else's answer

This is such a great question, closure... we all want it so bad, yet when heartbroken I have no idea if there is a real closure... When my ex left me, I was devastated, I tried to have hope, I tried to hate, I tried to forget, none of them seemed to work. I wanted closure, she would never give it to me, I wasnt pushy either, from the day she suddenly broke up with me I didn't contact her for over 30 days, when I tried she wasnt very responsive, then when I moved back into town, our meet up where I was hoping to just have a friendly conversation, she brings her sister and makes it like they are in a hurry.

Now she left me for another guy, straight up, they were together right after we broke up and are still.. Could have started together while we were still together, I have no idea, day by day for so long I hurt and wanted to know why, but no good could have ever really come from it, because it is never what I would have wanted to hear, but then one day, things just finally changed, the hurt became so much less, and then when they announced theyre relationship publicly via facebook and many people called me up about it, I wasn't mad, hurt, sad, hateful, or spiteful; I really was not even bothered by it, I suprised myself with the way I felt inside... I feel time brings us closure, becoming the person we once were, I know I have become so much more outgoing again and seeing the joys in life and really looking to enjoy everyday more than I ever have, that is my closure, my happiness is back... and one day I know I will find somoene who will make me happier, not make me look for any closures.

Closure comes from within. This I have now learned, it took me awhile, but now I am seeing it.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Never once did I ever mention marriage. Not Once.
The thought of it terrifies me.
People always change. You are proof of that.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Everything I Ever Wanted .....

You never did for me.

Dave sent me Happy New Years on the 1st. It was the first message I saw when I finally opened my eyes. Of course I cried ! It motivated me to get out of bed and meet my family for dimsum, who I told I wasn't coming. I talked to him on and off for the rest of the day. And right as I went to bed. I told him I needed him to leave me alone. And then I closed my eyes. When I opened them again he hadn't replied back. And he didn't the next day or the day after.
But then. A week later he sent me a message. He invited me to his birthday party. It made me mad that even now he still doesn't listen to the things I ask of him. That he was very selfish always thinking about what would make him feel better, and not how I would feel too.  Doesn't he realize how much more he makes my heart hurt? So, so painful. Maybe I shouldn'tve told him his messages made me happy. They did, but only for a split second. And then it was like August all over again. Random people tell me he does it because he misses me. But I think he does it because he feels guilty. Regardless of the answer my heart hurts. Day 21 today. The longest I made it without messaging Dave was 26 days. I need to make it past that. I hadn't cried for a really really long time, but I started again yesterday in the movie theatre. I really need to stop going to those. No matter what type of movie, I haven't made it out of there without crying. Even if its a comedy. Too much sitting around and time to let my mind wander. Today after I got home I started sobbing again too. I wish I didn't, and I don't know why I started again either. If only I was stronger. I just wish I had someone to talk too. Someone to just keep my mind busy so that I didn't think so much. Then maybe everything wouldn't remind me of him. And everything wouldn't be so painful...

Anyways. I waited till midnight. Happy Birthday. I hope you have a horrible day filled with sorrow and regret. You probably won't, but it doesn't hurt to try.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Time heals all...

The feeling of having the one person in your whole entire world who you trusted the most, give up on you and walk away.

I think it takes a lot of time to heal that kind of pain