Thursday, September 16, 2010

why is there no instruction manual for life.

I suppose that would make it too easy wouldn't it.... but is that such a bad thing? I mean theres easy ways out for everything so why not life? I'm so confused right now because I think I realized I'm still in love with michael. I. Am Still. In Love. I just.... I signed up for an online dating thing because its been over a year since we broke up, and I thought I just need to meet someone to take my mind off michael (like michael made me forget about craig) so i was like YEAH thats exactly what I need. So I signed up like a few weeks ago. And theres one guy who i've been kinda back and fourthing ith with. And I just. I just CAN'T STOP wondering how michael will feel if he found out I was seeing somebody else. why why why WHY. why do I/should I care? I do still keep in touch with him, like he'll call me or i'll call him every 2 weeks or something just to chat. And we still joke around but I think I really do miss him still. Yesterday he sent me a txt saying to 'remember to wear a thicker jacket because its getting colder' ......uuuuugh. why is this haaaaaappening D: Randomly today I told M about Michael and how we broke up and how I always always thought we would get back together and it felt so weird reliving those exact moments that I never want to remember. But at the same I'm worried about what him being alone and what he'll do/ what'll happen to him if i start seeing somebody. I suppose I still consider him a friend (if not a bit more than) but what's gonna happen to this relationship if I were to start seeing somebody. And why am I even worrying about losing this friendship? ugh too tired to think D: D: D:

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