Sunday, August 14, 2005

Oh Poop

I'm saaaad, I went to my friends birthday party today and all her friends had boyfriends....and they look really happy and cuddly together.... booo urns. Soooo, i'm back in the mac, workin at the restaurant. I'll be here till the end of august at least doing the same ol same ol. I'm kinda creeped out mitch will see me cuz liek...yeah....its mitch.... I hope i dont have a summer fling again. Note to self, dont have a summer fling. But it was nice seeing the gang again. And i'm being honest this time. I think from last time i've changed alot so its all good. I'm not that quiet dupeable girl they used to know....or at least i dont look like one anymore. Hahah. but Beths boyfriend is really purdy... hahah i'm going to hell but totally, yeah. He listens to like EXACTLY the same music i listen too. hahah its cool. I am so lonely..... does anyone even read this? hahah. Soooo I seen sterling today, and hes like all beefed up, (and honestly its kinda creepy). And Kat's boyfriend is the same, and Kat's the same, and Beths' the same. The only ones who really changed i'd say are Sterling and Quinton. Though actually not really just that i used to never talk to quinton. He's pretty friendly so its all good. I woulda liked to have seen josh again cuz hes allways funny. I like talking 2 quinton hes easy to talk to. Drew really scares me cuz he looks really like....tight.... Beths bf on the other hand...hahahah jkjk. but he looks really nice, and (just based on my first looks judgment) i think me and him'd get along pretty well.... aside from all that sporty poker stuff.... but yeaaah. I assume thats the last that i'll see of them till next year. hahah. WELP i think thats all. I'm gonna go now.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Tra lalaaa

Last day of art class today.... le sigh. I actually really like this summer class, it was pretty fun. I'm bery sad that i wont get to see the purdy man anymore. Yeaaaah he gets really angry really easy but hes pretty pretty. Boo urns, i'm so jealous that he bought Christine so many drinks.... Poooh why'd christine have to tell me that. I wanted to go to but, like yeaah i didn't want to go by myself. Sooo i went and watched the Skeleton Key with Elaine today. It was pretty good i guess. And i've got a fucker of a sore throat. Poooh how come i dont have a boyfriend..... I think that the best place to meet a guy would be at work. No i dont mean dating a co worker cuz i think that'd be awkward. But like, if i was working and one of my customers hit on me, or waited for me after work. I think that'd be sweet. How come i dont attract anyone but creepy ppl. siiigh. Well Jess came out and is not safely back in fort mac. She said sounds of the underground was great and she met a new guy friend. Ah but i really should go to sleep, my eyes are slowly rolling 2 the back of my head.... aaah.... goood night