Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I went 2 the anatomy lab today to draw cadaver parts...boy did i almost pass out.... haha i think i'm turning soft man...wut the hell is wrong with me. I didn't grow up getting power slammed and DDT'ed by my 2 brothers for nothing... erg arg. Does anyone like the feeling they get when the open their mail box and see letters addressed to them? I sure to. I bought like.... a crap load of stuff off ebay this past week just so i can get some stuff in the mail....*sigh* so sad....
har har, I'm such a loner in my art class, Everbody has a friend they know from somewhere else except me. Boo urns. huuur, so i was describing 2 my cousin the 3 guys in my art class and its funny, cuz they're like... opposites almost. One guy is like...kinda bulky and piercing-y w/ spiky hair, the other guy is tall and skinny and like....reminds me of a rugged model man, and the other guy is kinda short and tan and like a stunt bike-y guy. One of them thinks i'm stalking him i think. I've seen him 2 times in the past 3 days. First time i seen him while i was rounding a corner 2 go 2 work. And the 2nd time was during the bomb scare (yes i said bomb scare) at work on sunday. The sad thing is, he was in uniform so then its like *oh okay he works there its okay* But me being a hostess I dont get a uniform so i'm basically in normal clothes, sitting there watching...hahah.... daaaw. The bomb scare was kinda funny in a way. A customer demanded he get his change back and wouldn't leave the building till he got his change, another girl took like...a handfull of tempura and put it in her pocket, and didn't end up coming back. The other funny thing i thought was, there was this police man across the street and from my position it looked like he was carrying a cardboard box towards us and i was like * that the bomb....if it is sholdnt he be taking it the other way.....* hahaha....but it was the caution tape hehehe.....
welp, my cousin is coming out on monday....good gawd, finally someone to go out with. Knowing the luck i have i'll get non stop HW hahaha. k days is coming up too. i hope i remember 2 get a ticket thing for my cousin 2morrow or booooy will she be angry with me... hohoho....welp i think thats enough blabber for today. buh bye ah-vree-bah-day

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bye lil' devil

har thats the first time anyone has ever said that to me. hahah i feel so special. Soooo my life these past few weeks has been completely repetititve. With all my getting up and schooling and sleeping and working... i can plan ahead like 4 weeks in advance practically. i'm so lonely. boo hoo... This hot guy came in to eat today and he winked at me. ohhohoho. me like that. hahah oh my summer art class is going okay too. cept that i'm a big loner, but its still pretty good. theres 3 hot guys in there (cept cathy says they're all not hot) hahaha em.... my brother was a rebel today and stole 2 pairs of socks.. hahah. aaaaah. did i mention i'm lonely? hmm...well i seem 2 have forgotten what i was going to tell everybody..... there was a lot too....jesus jones. buuut i guess i'm gonna go sleep sadly predictable. maybe tomorrow i will meet a pretty man :D yeaaaaaah