Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Not doing so well

I'm not.

Not exactly, anyways.

I've never felt so consistently sad before. Every day. Every single day. I think to myself at least once.

I don't want to be here.

I wish I wasn't here anymore.

When is this life going to be over.

I'm going to the doctor's this Friday and I think I'm going to ask if I can start some sort of medication. I couldn't beat it on my own.

It makes me kind of sad.  But, I don't think I have anything to lose anymore.  Except my life, I guess.

I'm really sad and I don't want to live with my brother anymore.  I just tried so hard when they both left me alone at the condo to clean up their mess.  I tried so hard to clean it up and make it my home. I spent a lot of money to get rid of all their junk and all of these bad memories.  After all my hard work I finally had a place I was happy to come home to.  It was clean and empty.  I had a routine that I fell into where I kept it clean.  There was no clutter.  I got rid of everything.

I was so happy.

But then my brother moved in.  It wasn't even his fault because of the condo.  It was okay for the first little bit.  But then a year passed. Two years passed.  And I sit here in front of my computer and look around.  There is so much junk everywhere.  I gave up trying to keep it clean.  It was pointless.  I couldn't vacuum, I couldn't sweep.  I couldn't do anything.

And I fell sad again.

There is literally nothing I can do right now.  There isn't a light at the end of the tunnel right now because he can't move out and he doesn't know when.

I feel so sad.

Today, I was feeling not good so I came home and went to sleep right after work.  I dreamed that Brendan sent me a text.  He just wanted to say "Hi" and sent me a handful of pictures and most of them were just random funny photos.  I remember laughing because they were so stupid, but then I started crying because I missed him.

And then I woke up and realized I was dreaming.  That he didn't text me.  That he didn't miss me.

I'm doing great ya'll