Saturday, October 08, 2016


I think, maybe its going away?

The like is going away you guys. 

B's been back from Japan for about 2 weeks now and I think I'm doing better. I was really avoiding him the first week he came back because I didn't know how I was going to feel. I think the first time I saw him after he came back from Japan (minus P's bday for 15 seconds) was last Saturday when he came by my place. I was hermit-ing and baking Apple Pies. B told me to come out to Common with him and his friends and I said I was baking Apple Pie but would come out later. But then I thought about it and I didn't want to go. So I just stayed at home and cut 2 dozen and a half apples. And then B called me and asked if he could come over to have some pie.


I think, in any other world that would be the equivalent to Netflix and Chill.

But not in mine. Come over and have some pie, literally just means, come over and have some pie. 

Several years ago, I was up doing some Midnight Baking. I texted B at like 1am and asked if he wanted to come over for some pie and to bring some ice cream. He totally came over and brought ice cream. I gave him a slice of pie and then he went home. I didn't think anything of it at the time but ..... wtf ? Who asks a guy to come over to her place late at night to eat pie. Geezus, I'm an idiot.

Anyways. Back to Pie II. He came over but the pies were still in the oven so he just came over and chatted. Kinda. I didn't really talk much. I just did the dishes and didn't make eye contact and he showed me music videos. Eventually his phone rang and he started asking someone where they were. He asked enough times and slow enough that I guessed whoever he was speaking to's first language was not English. In other words the girl he was seeing. He hung up and said he was gonna go to the Common, then gave me a look over and said 'You're not coming are you'. I looked down and shook my head. In my head I was about 90% sure I wasn't going even before B got to my place, but knowing his gf would be there was the hammer in the coffin. Why do something that you know will make you sad? So, I just walked him to the foyer and said good night.

Funny thing is he actually texted me later saying the girl got lost and went home, and that his other friends bailed too. I almost went out to see him. Almost.

But. After that day I guess maybe I started to feel a bit better. I forgot to say that I ended up telling B I couldn't make his costume anymore, and he said it was okay. Actually. I told him I couldn't do it anymore and then 6 hours later I told him I could squish it in if worked on it every day after class. I also said him and my brothers were the only people I would do this for. And that's when he said not to worry about it. And then I felt a bit of relief.

The following next things that happened are just me fangirl-ing about implied meanings.

I haven't really seen B minus the above time. But he has texted and called me a few times. I guess he does make an effort to keep me in his life.

But so a few days ago I was prepping for dinner when I missed a call from B. I called him back and he was passing my place and wanted to see if I wanted to grab a bite, but he was already in the SS. My reply was 'Oh Sorry I can't I'm washing my zucchini..... It's a big zucchini.....' And we both laughed. It was a really big zucchini!

The next day he texted me again 'Hey, donuts?' I replied by 'Nice to see you too, muffin' I assumed he wanted to go to Take 5 and I said I could go in 10 minutes. Then he replied a few minutes later saying he changed his mind and was just going to go solo somewhere else. I literally felt my heart sink. I texted him back 'Wow, that didn't crush my spirits of seeing you at all' (I actually feel like a bit of attitude is coming back). He replied that he was just about to eat but my guilt worked on him and he was coming to get me.

And so he did. We just went to Gama and I had a tea while he ate. The server was pretty and when she asked he said 'We're just friends'. Heart didn't hurt so much this time, actually.End of night and he drops me off at home.

The next day, I get off class really late. I'm so tired, class was insane. I end up texting B, even though I told myself not to:
Please do my Language HW for me. I will pay you in socks. (Because I know he likes socks).

He replies back right away:
LOL good ol' Autocorrect!

I'm confused and say:
But I actually meant socks....

He says:
Oohhhh, Well nevermind, then.

Like half an hour later it clicks in. Wait, what, Socks?? THEN?!! What do you mean THEN?

I'm totally thinking to hard, but he doesn't answer and just asks me what I'm doing tomorrow. I'm super ballsy and say I'm going to see my favorite person, aka you. He replies back Okay, cool and says Ttyl and stuff... He rarely signs off from texts. But I'm oddly happy for some reason, even though I have a feeling he's just gonna forget like last time.

But actually no. 730pm rolls around and he texts me. His friends are planning on going to Beercade. (That's my invite, btw). I get home around 830pm and really don't feel like going out. Which coincidentally plans end up changing. A different group of friends are at Axehole and we end up going there instead. I bring B a slice of apple pie and he is happy mad because he loves pie but hates weight gain. B drives to the place and parks and then gets out of his car and comes over to the passenger side. I assume he has something to get on this side, but he just ends up closing the door.

"Why did you come over here?", I ask.
"Well just in case you needed help or something"

I swear. Sometimes I can't tell. Is this a normal thing guys do?