Monday, March 21, 2016

The story of my love life

I should have my own tv show.

A mix of here comes Honey Boo-Boo and The Bachelorette.


So. B tried to set me up with a friend of his.

Since school started I haven't really gone out much. I'll blame work and school, and also I'm old and I hate going out with large groups of people. I've gone out a handful of times with B and once we bumped into a new group of friends of his at Steel Wheels. Didn't really think much.

The next time it was B's Birthday and T and I met up with him at El Cortez. All his new friends were there, and specifically one of the really tall, Caucasian guys, who I met last time was being really chatty with me. He kept asking me to dance and hanging around. Asked to take a selfie with me.... etc etc. I thought he was really cute..... Anyways closer to the end of the night he asked for my number so he could send me the photo he took. And, I gave it to him.

Well. actually I texted him on the spot because thats how I always trade numbers.

I saw him get it, and he never replied. No big deal, he was right in front of me.

And this this other random Asian guy swooped right in and was like Ooh, trading numbers! So... he got my number too.

I had to leave early because I worked the next day, and really only came out because it was B's birthday. Tall guy gives me a little frowny face and says bye. End of the night.

I kinda thought he was going to text me but nothing every happened. His Asian friend, on the other hand started texting me non stop, to the point where I stopped replying. I wasn't really interested in him, and to be honest hadn't really talked to him at all.

Anyways.... so fast forward to a couple weeks. I ask B if he wants to go skating, because he had brought it up. Sure! A few days before he tells me that he is bringing a date. So then, I'm all like, aw FUCK. How annoying, I just wanna skate with my friends, not be a third flipping wheel. So I called J, up to see if she would come with me. Problem solved. Skating night comes, and B calls me up and tells me Tall Guy is going to be coming too...... Oh.... Great. Now this is going to be super awkward because I asked J, to come. But also, I didn't really realize B was trying to set up a double date. So, I get picked up and everyone is in the car. We all realize TG doesn't have skates....... and I ask J if there are rentals, and she says no..... So... what is the solo guy with no skates gonna do at the skating ring? We get there and there really are no skates. I say, what should we do and TG keeps saying to just go-go-go don't worry about him. I ask B if we can go somewhere else with rentals, he doesn't really want to go. I say I don't really want to go skating if we all can't go..... TG just says go-go-go and B goes.... I don't really know what to do and J is waiting for me and the guy disappears so...... I go. We skate for about 45 minutes and I don't see him anywhere. Literally has disappeared. It starts getting late and B wants to go and eat. I don't. I want to go home. So I leave with J. TG calls B and he has somehow made it to whyte/Steel Wheels. He went out to look for skates. I tell B to say bye to him. And we split up.

Later that night, I text the guy. 'Bring skates, next time!!!" I say ! He replies "I will! I hope you aren't mad at me and you had a good time." I reply back "B was going to rent too, but ended up buying some last minute" And then... he stopped replying. I dunno. I guess maybe I was mad, but I was more mad at B doing this unexpectedly last minute.

So.... he didn't reply. A week later B and I went skating at the Leg grounds. While walking there he said to me "So.... you're not interested in P are you?" And I sigh "He think's I'm a bitch doesn't he?". B replies "Probably" And then I get a little upset.

Wait what.... He thinks I'm not interested in Him?!!! How about try the other way around? I texted him and I tried to figure something out so he could come skating too, and he never replied back to me..... How am I the bitch? Then B goes on to tell me he went on a date with his other friend and they are in mad like. I feel really sad...... What am I doing wrong again? Like... I thought I was trying, and I come across as a bitch? I felt really really sad......

And I fell into a slump for a couple weeks. Retribution for ignoring the Asian guy, probably......

But, so the guy is seeing someone else, and apparently having the time of his life, I hear. Leave it, what am I gonna do.

Fast forward again to last Friday. B calls me up and asks if I want to see a movie. Yeah, its Friday and its not super late, I'll be home early and not be grumpy. Cool Sure I'll go. I make it to ECC and B remembers he actually can't catch a movie because he had other plans. Eeeeeeeh, thats fine I had to go to the bank anyways. So we just walk around and are about to leave when B gets a call. I'm listening an it is TG. He's actually a couple blocks away, so.... we go to meet him......

Great, I think. This is gonna be awkward. We meet up and at least he is with another friend, showing him around the city. We just walk around, and then it turns into a little adventure of showing the guy around the city. We end up going for a small bite to eat, and its actually not that bad. I'm chattier than usual and he's still pretty friendly towards me as well.... Okay, I guess it isn't so awkward. And then... midway through the meal everyone starts talking about how great it is to be single.... (Huh... I thought he was seeing someone). But he looks at me and says we're all single!!! and High Fives me..... Oh okay.... And then when the bill comes he grabs it and pays for everyone.....Something about not letting a girl pay.... I try and put in some money, but B ends up taking the cash and paying by credit card.... I must have gotten confused by this, because I didn't even thank the guy and said thanks to B. We go back to B's place and chat. B brings up that he'll drop me off at home before they head out to the bar and the guy gives me a little frowny face again. I do actually end up going out to the bar later because a bunch of people I know show up. TG does chat with me randomly throughout the night and says he is very happy to see me smiling. It made me kinda happy and reminded me of that saying to frown less, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

At like 12 they decide to go sing karaoke and I say I have to bail because I have assignments and work tomorrow. TG walks up to me and says why and I SWEAR he looked into the depths of my soul. I say I have to work tomorrow and smile and say it was nice to see you again. He kinda just turns on his heel and walks away.

I go home. Do my Homework. Go to Bed.

No text :(

2 days later... On Tuesday.... I realize that I never said thank you to him for paying for dinner. That I said thanks to B and B said your welcome and I thought that was that.

I debate whether or not I should text him because he hasn't exactly cared about replying back.

So I don't. But then. I go out for dinner with T and B and tell him. And they say, YOU CAN STILL SAY THANK YOU!!!!.

So, idiot fucking me texts him when I get home and I say 'I realized I didn't say thank you for buying dinner on Friday, I got confused and said thanks to B instead. Sorry!!'


No reply. B thinks he's just being nice.

Fuck you Fortune Cookie, you are ruining my life.