Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The key to happiness?

Love Yourself or You'll Never be Loved by Anyone Else. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Don't. Just Don't.

The same people keep asking me if I've found a boyfriend yet and every time I say No, they look at me with a sad face. 
You know what. Don't.
In case you guys haven't noticed I'm pretty fucking happy being single right now. It's Awesome. I don't have to worry about pussies and broke promises and soul crushing heart break and snoring and being choked in my sleep. 
It's fucking Great.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

What is Going On?!

I had another dream about Supercrush this morning :S

What is going on indeed? Maybe it was just the bowl of kimchi noodles I had last night. Or that I watched 8 episodes of Dexter in a row. Something is throwing my brain in a whirl and I dreamt Supercrush and kissed again. Very Odd. But not really cuz its been on my mind lately.
I'm totally a high school girl again !!
But it wasn't one of those lusty dreams it was almost like it could happen in real life..... Slow and Subtle.....

I need to stop.