Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Standing Back Up Again

Hi  Sports Fans,

Having a slow lazy day at home today, when I couldn't think of anything else to do, so I decided to come read some of my blog entries.

I'm not sure what has happened since my last entry but..... I feel a bit happier. No.... actually I feel a lot happier. I don't know why or how. But my heart feels lighter. Not so sad and hurt anymore. I still get mad when I think about him. But.... I actually don't think about him as much anymore. And not everything is a painful reminder. I guess all it does really take is time.
I noticing this after I came back from San Francisco actually. I never really really got upset or PO at Jolie, something that I thought would happen. Everything I managed to calm myself down and tell myself 'Just be Happy'. I don't know if that helped, or maybe it was just the change of environment and having someone to talk to for 7 days straight. I don't know exactly how but I feel like I'm getting back to my normal self. I even started wearing my Kitty Cat Hoodie again :)

Reading some of my previous entries really made me notice this.
Another thing is.... I signed onto a dating website again..... Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I signed up a few months ago actually. Right after that silly speed-dating event which made me feel like a total idiot, because it just wasn't the thing for me. Too many people too fast. I was talking to Gabby about starting to look again and I got a bit confused after. She said that she didn't think I was ready yet because I still had some issues and I argued that this felt like the last step to take to get over what's his face. Well.... I guess maybe she is and she isn't right. If I'm not completely over someone yet why should I start looking. But at the same time. I feel like my thing is I need to focus on something (someone) else to push that last little bit of him out of my mind.... What do you guys think. Just starting to talk to guys that are interested again I feel like has helped a lot. Instead of spending time thinking about him and how mad he made me, I spend time thinking about what to say to someone who I actually talk to instead.... I dunno. Of course I can justify everything because I feel its right. Just like how I justified talking to Dave right after we broke up was the right thing to do because it made me feel happy, even thought it just delayed the heartbreak..... *SIGH*

Another thing is. Sometimes I wonder why women are always attracted to the wrong type of guy. To the type of relationship they think they will have and the ideal, when we should be focusing on what we are. Not what we want. This comes from that... Jackson-Briggs (correction needed?) Personality Test that my co-worker had told me about. He said 'Remember to answer these with what you would do, not what you want to do.' And I just remember that line sticking in my head. There's a big difference and I never noticed that before. So back to dating again. I always find I'm attracted to guys that are the complete opposite of me. That lead the lifestyle I want to have. Totally different, not my type, I'm not into any of the things they do. And yet, that personality just draaaaaws me in. It's horrible. And then, when someone who is the exact reflection of me messages me, it feel less compelled. But if I push away all the rainbows and clouds I should realize. I should be looking for someone that has similar interests as me right? If I haven't changed into a loud partying raver by now, what makes me think I will? What makes me think I'll suddenly become interested in music and djing and cars? Your so silly C. You should be looking for a nice low key guy, who can't wait to talk to you and will give you non-stop hugs and is shy and silly just like you.
