Monday, January 10, 2011

Its kinda weird....

no scratch that its TOTALLY weird being friends with someone you have a crush on. Its never happened in this order before you know. Usually I have no feelings for a guy friend and they slowly develop.....which I always thought was how the best relationships develop....from friendship you know..... But anyways back on topic. So yah, I've never had a crush on somebody and then that turned into friendship...... and its weird especially with them being okay with it...... you know..... Usually they're like *fuck off you're annoying* and that makes me extra extra sad. But this ones just ha-ha/I dont care lets party..... So it throws me

Monday, January 03, 2011

I'm such a silly girl sometimes

Such a stupid silly girl with such a stupid silly heart.

Sunday, January 02, 2011


but not really....?
So I guess I'm semi-confused. Hahaha. Well.... I guess the cold turkey *kinda* worked. It worked in that I haven't snooped super crushes' FB page since he left. It didn't work in that I still call him super crush.
Anyways, Happy New Year !! Has anyone ever noticed how this blog varies between rant blog and stalker diary? I wonder which half you guys find more interesting.....Okay, well todays entry will be about super crush. I have come to the conclusion that I cannot call him anything else besides super crush, because everyone has come to know him by that name. Him being gone 10 days kinda did help though. I'm not crushing on him as insanely now. But still laugh hysterically after he calls me. Which he totally did! He called me on..... Wednesday to see if I wanted to go for wings with him and his friends again. And when I asked him *right now?!!* he said *yes, I'll come pick you up right now!* But I was in Clareview baking cookies so I did not go. I did however ask him what he was doing for NYE and said if he was going to Daves to give me a call before he went and maybe Id go. So then yah, end of phone call. I hang up and run and give Grace a big hug. Run and give my mom a big hug. And start laughing hysterically. Everyboddy obviously thinks I'm possessed. Yadda yadda, dont talk to him till NYE night. We are all at Vinyl, I've had a few drinks, am slightly red. Still no call from super crush.....So I finally suck it up and send him a msg asking if he's still going to Daves. He msgs me back saying he's already there....... D: D: D: So by that time it was like a bit after 1. And I'm debating if I should still cab it up there. Debating debating debating. Its pretty far north, so I'm thinking $30+? Is it worth it? Ah its just money I can make it back again..... but how desperate does that sound? Not desperate at all I know more than just one person there! I send super crush one final text asking whats the addy. To which he sends it to me. And finally at 1 30 I I will not go. It really is kinda far, and $30 just to see a guy. And also, if he really was even the slightest bit intererested he woulda called me right. So yeaaaaah, I didn't go. Everyone called it quits at Vinyl around quarter to 2pm and I just walked home from there. Dont message him back and say instead, if he messages me back then maybe I'll do something..... and ......he messages me back! hahahahahah. Nothing special, he just tells me hes leaving the party now but theres still lots of people. PHEW! good thing I didn't decide to go otherwise I woulda spent 30 bucks on a cab and not even seen him!! Hahaha so then, I tell him *I decided to not go, since it was too far* and then I have a brainstorm and ask him if he wants to get something to eat with me!! I was lying in bed with my phone on my chest so I wouldn't fall asleep hahah so lame I know but I was so excited too. 5 mintues later he calls me and asks where do I want to go eat. *SUCCESS!!!!* hahaha I said "yay! I'm excited" and he laughed. So he comes DT and picks me up and we go to Denny's. Talk about random stuff, I laugh at him as he checks out other girls. And he is very NOT inconspicuous about it at all. Breakin my Heart, but I figure whatever we are just friends. He tells me Empire sucked cuz he couldn't get in and I laugh and say Vinyl was awesome, no wait or anything. Yadda yadda yadda. Oh yah, he didn't shave today, he actually looks.....mmm kinda debating on it still but I think he looks better not shaving for a few days. So then, we get the bill and pay Marylou and call it a day/night and he drives me home. I'm getting out of the car and say bye/thanks and he says to me......he says to me......*nice outfit tonight* I have no idea why but i totally didn't register it as a compliment till this morning. Agh. I'm so dumb...... but so Yeah, now that its registered..... It makes me wonder a teense. A TEENSE.