Thursday, August 19, 2010

hating here

i really really hate ....what do i hate i dont even know. I just hate living here right now. I hate that my brother is so fucking lazy and all he can do is spend money on useless crap, and how selfish he is. i hate saying this but, sometimes the only thing i feel he is good for is spending money. he helps out with the financial stuff but thats it. doesn't do the dishes, doesn't throw out the trash, doesnt clean the washrrom, doesn't sweep the floor, doesn't cook, doesn't do the bottles, doesnt do anything except the easy stuff. vaccum. order pizza. drive to mcdonalds. vaccum. fuck piss me off so bad. today i had to work at 12-9. so i sent him a text asking him to cook the salmon that i had brought out a few days ago to defrost. i sent him simple instructions on how to cook the salmon. rinse, pat dry, season, pan fry for 3 mintues. make rice and veggies if you like. i come home at 9 30 and what do we have for supper? salad. fucking SALAD. i was, (and still am) SO pissed off. i just cant comprehend, how can it be so hard for someone to do something so simple? I just want to move out of here so bad. SO FUCKING BAD. and if i dont move i just want to fucking shoot myself in the face. i just can't believe this guy sometimes and how he doesn't think sometimes. I have such bad chest pains right now. and to top it off. i was so SO angry tthat i did the stupidest thing imaginable and called michael. well actually i msged him asking if he was still up. and he called me back and i told him what happened and the first thing he said to me was *your so childish* he always scolded me when we were going out for not understanding, but he's such a hypocrite himself. he never understood me at alll either. we make such a bad couple and yet its still him that i think of to call first. fucking jesus. i just..... i just can't believe that he couldn't understand hhow upset i was. and what does he do, just adds more fucking fuel too the fire. i dont even know why i still bother to call him when i'm so upset. every single time i've ever called him when i wanted to talk to he would always make me feel even worse, making me feel like it was my fault. i just cant understand some people. when i call someone to rant about something i'm upset about i really just want someone to listen and maybe say *oh thats too bad* not *OH YOUR WRONG* fuck fuck fuck. theres times when halfway through his sentence i just want to fucking hang up on him beause he just doesn't understand how upset i am. good god. i mean i guess i shoudln'tve called him since it was 10pm/past his bedtime but if he didn't want to talk/was in a bad mood then dont call me back. i've told him a million times beefore. if your in a bad mood dont call me. dont come out with me because your going to put me into a bad mood too. jesus christ i dont even know why i'm still so hung up ovver him. hes not very polite, he smokes, he gambles, hes kinda conceited and he doesn't get along with his family. its like a million things i look for in a guy that he doesn't have and yet all i can do is think about him. fuck fuck fuck FUCK. i just wanna move outta this place and away from everybody.